Tips for Getting Your Kid Ready for Their First Dental Appointment
Have a small child that is getting close to their first dental appointment? If so, you may not know the best way to go about getting them ready for it. It's not wise to just take them to the dentist without letting them know what they can expect. Here are some tips to get them ready for their first visit to the dentist.
Teach Them the Importance of Oral Hygiene
They may be in the habit of brushing their teeth with you, but do they know why? It's a good time to teach your child about why they actually brush their teeth every single day. You can keep it simple and tell them that there are germs on their teeth that can hurt them, and brushing is the best way to keep those germs away.
If you have cavities of your own, show your kid what can happen if they do not brush their teeth. Let them look at your own teeth and the filling that needed to be put in. This can help them understand the consequences of not brushing your teeth regularly.
Role Play What the Dentist Appointment Will Be Like
Since it is their first visit, it will help to role play what is will be like to visit a real dentist. Have them pretend to sit in a waiting room until they are called back to your pretend exam room. Then have them sit back while you give their teeth an inspection. Role playing will help show your kid that visiting the dentist is harmless. They may even want a turn as the dentist and you can be the patient. Going through these motions will prepare them for what they can expect.
Watch Videos About Teeth
Try searching YouTube for educational videos about their teeth. Having their favorite characters talk to them about visiting the dentist can be engaging for a small child, and present the information in a format that they enjoy.
Check Out Library Books About Teeth
It is also worth heading down to the library and check out some books that are all about oral health. Reading a book every night before bedtime can not only be a great way to read with your kid, but teach them the importance of brushing and flossing.
For more ideas on what you can do to prepare your child for their first dental visits, reach out to a pediatric dentistry.